Saturday, November 8, 2008

You decide . . .

Does this make me a bad mom?

I'm a working mother, shhh! don't tell Dr. Laura, she'll be all up in my face about that . . .

I work from home 90% of the time, I very infrequently go to the office because of all the crap baby stuff I have to bring with me . . .

Working from home has it's advantages and disadvantages . . .

Advantage - I get to wear WHATEVER I want, ha!
Disadvantage - no office gossip
Advantage - If I need a "Mommy Time Out" I take twenty one
Disadvantage - I'm HOME all day, every day, all the time, no matter what

And on and on . . .

AND we don't have childcare . . . I'm a working mom and a mom working . . . I watch my son while I work . . . so it gets confusing now and then . . .

Some days are better than others . . . . and there are THOSE days . . . you know what I'm talking about Mamas . . .

THOSE days . . . . ahhh, maybe I won't go into the details, but you know what I mean right?

Okay, just one example . . . baby wants to wake up at 4(effing) AM . . . . you bring baby into bed with you to soothe him and get him to fall asleep (all the while trying not to fall deep asleep for fear that you might roll on top of him and smother him) . . . . 6AM comes WAY too soon and you hit the snooze . . . again . . . and again . . . finally you drag yourself out of the bed and wait . . . what is tha- . . . oh GREAT, baby peed out of his diaper onto the bed . . . awesome . . . baby is still sleeping though . . . hmmm . . . take a shower at the speed of light . . .get dressed and try, just try, to read a few emails before . . . . and there it is, baby is awake, hungry and angry . . . change baby's diaper and clothes . . . . strip the bed of all sheets (because of the aforementioned pee) . . . make bottle for baby . . . shake bottle and SH!T . . the top wasn't on right and now you are covered in formula . . . awesome . . . all the while baby is screaming bloody murder . . . oh God, what time is it? . . . .WHAT?!?!? Only 7:45 . . . awesome . . . . and so on and so on for the REST of the DAY . . . .

Finally, (cue the angels singing) Hubby gets home from work . . . YES, YES, YES . . . . "hi hun, here's the baby, gotta work, gotta pay those bills, oh yeah um how was your day? your gonna take the baby right? I mean right now, you gonna take him right?"

Right there . . . does that make me a bad Mama? I love my son with all my heart and soul. There is NOTHING in this world I wouldn't do for him . . . but every day I look forward to my husband coming home to relieve me . . . .

So tell me . . . am I wrong for wanting an hour or so of just ME time . . . eventhough I'm a Mama?

I'm tough I can take it . . .


  1. No hun, it doesn't make you a "bad" Mama!! I don't care how saintly anyone is, everyone needs a break. Otherwise you become some kind of warped martyr and that doesn't do anyone any good, especially your child. The fact that you are even thinking this proves you are doing a good job!!

    So hang in the best you can...enjoy the journey. Because it really does go by sooooo stinkin' fast!! {{HUGS}}

  2. No, you are not a bad mama! Actually sounds like an amazing mom, doing it all! Good for you!
    (LOL'd at the shaking the bottle w/ the cap off....hahahahaha!!!)
