Monday, November 17, 2008

And . . . I'm done

So I've done it . . . I've read all four books of the Twilight series . . . . AND I LOVE THEM ALL!!!

I've never been so obsessed with books before, never! I am not going to give any of it away in this post because I want you all to enjoy the books as much as I did . . .

I will say this . . . throughout the books there were times where I didn't like the story line, I was upset about a certain sequence or outcome . . . there were times where I toyed with the idea of putting the book down and not finishing . . . but I pushed through . . . and I'm glad I did. I'm very satisfied with the ending of the books . . . a lot of loose ends are tied up nicely . . . I like how there is room for more books, which I hope come out one day . . . all in all, two thumbs way up . . .

I must say the downside of all of this reading . . . I wasn't sure if my marriage would withstand such an ordeal . . . my husband learned to fall asleep although the lights were still on . . . the baby might have cried for a few minutes longer than necessary "just to finish this one page chapter" . . . work suffered a bit . . . my friends were confused when I would say things like "well, I don't know if I can go out tonight, let me see what's up with Bella and Edward . . . " . . . my parents were nearly called in for reinforcement when I couldn't step away from the books for necessary things like a) a shower, b) brushing my teeth, c) changing out of my pajamas before noon, of d) all of the above . . . in the same day . . .

Damn you . . . Stephenie Meyer . . . you write books that become glued to my hands . . . you write stories that I must read . . . you . . . well, you much be very rich now, huh? . . . and you deserve it!

Go now . . . run, don't walk . . . do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars . . . get these books . . . join the cult masses . . . and enjoy!

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