Thursday, November 6, 2008

Did you say NOVEMBER?

Woah baby . . . it's NOVEMBER? Did you know that?

I haven't even BEGUN to even THINK about Christmas . . . and some of you crazy people planners are already done with all of your christmas shopping . . . . seriously, how do you do it?

I'm one of those "last minute" shoppers and this year is gonna be worse . . . because we gots no money . . .

I'm not letting myself get upset about the money issue . . . we are paying (most of) our bills on time . . . but there are bigger issues . . .

We JUST found out we make have to move out of our house and back into our Condo that we were renting out . . .

Right before we got the call to put that move into action, we had decided on upgrading our kitchen via cabinet refacing using Home Depot . . . I even picked out my dream kitchen cabinet color . . . and the door pulls . . . and just as I allowed myself to get excited about it . . . the rug was pulled out from underneath me . . .

We are not going through a unique situation here . . . lots of people are facing the same issues we are . . . and I refuse to let myself get upset about it . . .

On days like this I try and remember the little things that make me smile . . .

. . . my husband and the way he looks at me . . .
. . . my son and the way he smiles and giggles when he wakes up in the morning . . .
. . . my friends who would be there no matter what . . .
. . . my dog, who loves me unconditionally, even if I forget to pet him for a while because we just had a baby, he still loves me . . .
. . . a hug . . .
. . . a kiss . . .
. . . a good nights rest . . .
. . . waking up next to the most handsome man in the world (no not Brad Pitt, silly, my hubby) . .
. . . knowing that one day this will all be over . . .

So, it's November . . . and Christmas is around the corner . . . and I'm going to try and start a new tradition . . . let's just celebrate being together and enjoying each other . . . let's make a nice meal and sit around and TALK to each other . . . let's play games and remember funny family stories . . . let's just celebrate and be happy and not keep a running total of how much money we've spent on each other . . . maybe . . . we will see . . .

What are your plans for the Holidays this year???

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