Monday, November 17, 2008

Warning . . . Warning . . .Warning

My hubby and I love stupid funny movies . . .

Knocked Up

Don't mess with the Zohan

Love Guru

Talidega Nights

Good Luck Chuck



And so on . . .

So we rented Forgetting Sarah Marshall . . . .

It was hillarious! Very good one-liners . . . . stupid humor . . .


In the first few minutes you see his pee-pee! Really and not just a glimpse . . . no you see the whole thing and the camera lingers for a few seconds . . . and you know when you think about it . . . pee-pee's aren't really that good looking . . . just my opinion . . . but the are kinda gross sometimes . . . especially on a guy that you don't find attractive to begin with . . . and even on a guy you DO find attractive . . . pee-pee's are just dangly and hairy and kinda weird looking . . . not that I've seen a lot of pee-pee's in my time . . . I mean there were a few crazy times . . . in college . . . but no need to walk down that road . . . anywho . . .

To say I was shocked doesn't even cover it!

The never show pee-pees! Never!

Boobies, yes . . . vu-jay-jay, okay . . . butt cheeks, mmm hmm . . . but a pee-pee, never!

And my husband just about stopped the video right then . . .

We laughed about it, but he wasn't mentally prepared to see another nakie man . . . he reacted like someone who just saw someone else vomit . . . or like if you were watching Dr. 90210 and all of a sudden they show a close up of the surgery . . . he held his hand over his eyes and said "just tell me when it's over" . . . hehehe

So, rent the movie if you like, but don't say I didn't warn you . . .


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