Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm a winner!!!


So, I'm somewhat new to the world of BLOG. I was a lurker at first, but thought, ya know what, I can do this . . . I can Blog!

So, I found BATW, that's Blogs Around The World people . . . it's a great site that connects you to bloggers all over the world (hence the name). It's similiar to SITS in that each day they have a featured blogger . . . well a few days ago Psycho Knitter was featured. BATW asks that you give a "tour" of where you are living on your day so that we understand "a day in the life" of you. Psycho Knitter is an american living in Iraq and is a pretty cool chick if you ask me . . .

Well, I started following her blog and then she had a contest to win knitting needles and yarn . . . I'm a crocheter, but I wanted to learn knitting so I entered . . . AND I WON (well, I half won because she split the prize, but don't rain on my parade) . . . . YEAH for me!

So, go check her out and give her some comment love! :-)


  1. Aww, you're sweet. :) Did you respond to my email with your address? Sometimes emails seem to not make it to me...if you did, let me know and I'll write you on another email address and hopefully it will come through!

  2. Yay on your 1/2 bloggy giveaway win. LOL It's so much fun when you realize you have been picked! I was lucky enough to win during the SITS blogathon. Whoo-hoo!

  3. Congrats on your win!! That's so exciting. =)
