Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On a lighter note . . .

This morning I was on auto-pilot . . .

brush teeth . . . check
shower . . . check
dry-off . . . check

and so on . . .

JT woke up . . .

pick-up baby . . . check
change diaper . . . check
change from PJ's to day outfit . . . check
put dirty diaper in hamper . . . check
put PJ's in diaper genie . . . what a second . . .

Darnit, I put the dirty diaper in the hamper . . . nice move Mama, hehehe . . . . at least I can laugh at myself! :-)


  1. hahaha! i guess better in the hamper than in the fridge!!! thanks for stopping by from SITS today!

  2. That's something I would do... especially if my nose is buried in a book! :) :) :) Thanks for your comments, glad to know I'm not alone!! :)
