Thursday, November 13, 2008

A gold start for Mama

I was VERY VERY lucky to have my hubby home for the baby's first four weeks home. He is a teacher, the baby was born in July, so we had four wonderful weeks of two parents 100% of the time time.

This was wonderful because I never felt completely overwhelmed. One of us always managed to get enough sleep to help the other. I only breastfed for a little while, I really really tried, so he could help with bottles (especially the ones in the middle of the night). And we always had four hands to give him a bath. Along with many other conveniences . . .

Well, after hubby went back to work, the one thing that always scared me was giving JT a bath all by myself. I was nervous that he was going to slip and breathe in water and then I would have to do CPR or call 911 . . . a bit over dramatic, I know, but I was just worried about it. And it's worse than that really, I just had bad images of him screaming his head off or the water being too cold or too hot or that his body would be so slippery that I wouldn't be able to hold him and it just freaked me out. And because I let it fester in my head it just got worse and worse and worse . . . I'm usually calm, cool, and collected about "do it yourself" things . . . I lived alone for three years, I get the "no one's gonna help me, I gotta do it myself" thing, really I do, but this was my son's LIFE we are talking about here, see I told you too dramatic . . . anywho . . .

Since hubby and I don't live on a "schedule" tubby time kept on getting pushed off to the next day. (This makes me sound horrible) But it got so bad that JT had not had a bath in over two weeks . . . he IS just a baby and I thought how dirty could he possible be and of course I was wipping him off at every diaper change, but I realized that I needed to man up and start giving him baths during the day so this "two-week-sans-bath" thing never happened again.

Yesterday was the big day. I gave myself a little pep talk. I had the phone near by "just-in-case". And I did it. I started the water, got everything I needed within arms reach, undressed baby, and I gave him a bath . . . and we did just fine. There was no slip-age, there was no need to call 911, we even (dare I say) had FUN! Okay, well JT doesn't exactly love the water, but after a few minutes he calmed down and started to enjoy it.

I was so proud of myself. Really I was!

So, I know you SAHM's (that's Stay At Home Mom's) of 5+ are probably chuckling to yourself saying "I give my youngest a bath while folding laundry, brushing my middle child's hair, and teaching my oldest algebra" . . . I know that I have a long way to go with this whole Mama thing . . . but for me . . . I gave my son a bath. ALL. BY. MY. SELF. . . . . and that's the reason why I'm giving myself a Gold Star! So I'll have a little party for myself, maybe have a piece of chocolate, and start giving him a bath every day! :-)



  1. LOL! I was like this too with my first... most first-time parents are a bit like headless chickens...

    Thanks for visiting me on my BATW day.

  2. Just stopping by to say Hi! You were above me in roll call at SITS today :)

  3. Way to go...It just gets easier and easier...and remember that as you journey early on.

    Thanks for stopping by Blog Around the World. Just wanted to let you know that you are all linked up! Check in daily to see where in the world we are headed next!
