Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Dear JT's Nurse,

I know its your job to give my baby his "shots". I know you have probably given about a billion shots in your lifetime as a nurse. I'm sure you are immune to the screaming. I know my son is just another one of your patients.

BUT could you just try and be a little sympathetic. Show a little bit of "niceness". I'm not asking for a lot just a little.

Try soothing him before just grabbing his jaw and making him drink the "rottovirus" liquid vaccine. Then with the shots. Could you not drag it out for so long? Could you maybe speed it up just a little so that it's over before he knows it started?

And when he starts the silent cry (you know the one before it gets really really loud) could you NOT say, "okay, those two weren't so bad, this one's gonna be worse!" Really, was that necessary?

And I'm not even going to mention that we had to wait for 45 minutes past our appointment time . . . really if you are that far behind just let us know instead of the on going *knock knock* "okay, you're up next" for abour 30 minutes.

Then when the doctor is with us, could you not interrupt our well waited for, too short, suppose to be undivided attention with our doctor to "ask a quick question about the other patient". I almost said "No, this is OUR time, lady, back off". Almost . . .

Then, finally, after you made my little boy scream his little head off whilte giving him shots, could you maybe put bandaids on that actually stick so that while I try to calm my baby and tell him "it's all over now, it's okay, mama's got you" I don't get his blood all over my shirt? Then when I ask for more bandaids could you refrain from saying "yeah, the first one's I put on never stick well, hehehe". It's not funny!

-Toots, JT's Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a bad day at the doctor's office!

    Thanks for visiting (and commenting!) on my BATW day!

    Thank you also for the offer of a "home" care package. I am very blessed to have a sweet family that send me them on a regular basis. Salsa, Wrinkle Release, Cherry Coke Zero, you know- the basics!
