Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do NOT read the Twilight books . . .

(don't worry, there is no spoiler in this post, promise!)

I repeat do NOT read the Twilight books . . .

reading these books may cause, obsessive reading behaviour, the inability to put the book down until it's finished, forgetting to feed the baby because you NEED to find out what happens to Bella and Edward, leaving the dirty dishes in the sink for too long, (after hearing the door close) jumping and start pretending to work when Hubby gets home so he doesn't think you've been reading all day, staying up until way past your bedtime to finish the book, finishing the first two books in four days, and other like symptoms.

The only cure is not to start reading at all (not a possibility) or to block out a good week (or two if you are a slower reader) to read the series start to finish.

Here's the thing folks, in my youth I wasn't a reader. I think it was because it was something forced on me by my teachers and I was a rebel. I bought the cliffs notes, asked a friend or just took an F on the test, because no on was going to tell ME what to do! *letting deep breathe out* As I got older and wiser I realized that reading could be fun, it could be funny, sad, happy, romantic, scary, and maybe even all of the above. AND (and this is the control freak side of me) I got to use MY imagination to put it all together. That's why I usually hate to see a movie once I've read the book, but that's a totally different story. Don't even get me start on The Shinning by Steven King, the book was terrifying and the movie, notsomuch. But I digress . . .

Once I found that I love reading, Barnes and Noble was to me as clothes shopping used to be. I could spend hours just walking around "trying on" books to see if they fit my personality. I have a pretty good record of finding "my"books. I usually stay away from the main-stream, looking for that diamond the in the rough . . . . and every once in a while I will hear a buzz about a new cult book series that gets everyone's attention. I did the whole Harry Potter thing . . . and I enjoyed it, but I never became a fanatic, yes they are good books, but no I'm not going to start wearing a cape and pulling out a wand when things don't go my way . . . so when I heard about Twilight I wasa bit skeptical . . . I bought the first book to have a look, see . . . . and I have NEVER been so consumed by a book before in my life! I swear it was like I HAD to finish the book, like my life depended on it. I had to know what happened . . . and I'm not gonna give any of it away . . . not one little piece because the books are that good that YOU have to find out on your own.

Go and purchase the first book or even better borrow from the library . . . if you are "ho-hum" and not totally into the story right away, put the book down and walk away . . . if you love it like I do continue reading and enjoy . . . . .

I'm half way through the series and I'm kicking myself for not reading these books sooner!


  1. This is a great post! and it reminds me that I should probably bring something to read to the polling place! :-)

  2. There should have been a big red WARNING on these books. As soon as I started reading this post I burst out in laughter. So true.

  3. I'm so right there with you....about spending hours and hours in the bookstore...but I think I'm one of maybe 3 people that still haven't read the twilight series...I'm sure I'll get around to it...oh in the next 10 years or so....

  4. My friend has been begging me to read these... Maybe if my library ever gets a copy in.

  5. Honey I feel your pain, lol! I read all four books in four days. I did NOTHING but read. My husband started getting seriously annoyed. But man, it was worth it. And in two weeks the movie will be out! YAY!!

    Come on over to my blog hun, and register for my giveaway!!

  6. This is a nice post and so the books are. I just cannot help it. I can't help but LOVE Edward Cullen and die wishing that I am Bella Swan. :D

  7. Ha! Great post!!! And I agree wholeheartedly. I finished all four books in 6 days. And I was sucked into the Harry Potter books (no cape, but I do have the wand. LOL) But I agree on the Twilight series. I was a cliff notes version kind of gal in high school, but these books definitely sucked me in!!!

  8. Good post! I made my hubby stop what he was doing so i could read this post to him! Lol! I just read Twilight on Saturday-yup-the whole book in one day. I have the next, but won't let myself start it for fear I won't end up going to bed tonight!!!

  9. When i read this, i started laughing so hard! i read 2 books in four days and im dying to read the third !
