Friday, November 28, 2008


Earlier today while shopping . . . there was a situation that helped me confirm that I made the right choice in marrying my husband and that I am so thankful for him . . . while shopping I ran into a guy I had a crush on in high school . . . a heart thumbing, can't breathe around him, blush when he looked my direction crush . . . . a say his name and my hearts a flutter crush . . . and to make it worse we were friends . . . so we hung out all the time . . . and he had no clue how I felt . . . so I saw today him from a distance . . . and it was funny . . . I didn't feel a thing . . . not a blush . . . not a heart flutter . . . not a "oh great, what do I say" . . . nope, nothing, nada, zilch . . .

T-crush: "Toots, hey, my God, it's been forever how are you?"
me: "Oh my goodness, T-crush, wow! Oh I'm great, how are you?
T-crush: "Same old, same old, so umm, what's new?
me (great, now what do I say I haven't seen him in 8 years, a whole hell of a lot is new): "Well, a alot actually, I married that guy we both went to high school with that you would never guess in a millions years I would marry (I'll have to post that story at a later time) . . . and we have a five month old, they are both at home . . . "
T-crush: "Oh, wow, ummm . . . wow, that's great . . . "
me: "soooo, what have you been up to?"
T-crush; "um, nothing really . . . "

Isn't that the worse . . . I had very little to say to him . . . I quickly found out he hadn't done much since high school except gain weight and move out of his mother's house, real cool guy, real cool . . . . so we awkwardly finished our small talk conversation and went our way . . . around a very small store . . . bumping into each other every few minutes "oh, hey, are you still here *nervous laughter*" . . . "ha ha are you following me *nervous laughter*" . . . and so on . . .

As I got into my car I realized . . . there is a plan in life . . . I so wanted that guy to ask me out on a date in high school . . . and now . . . . I am SO GLAD he did not . . . not that he isn't a nice guy or anything . . . but he definitely not my husband . . .

Next thing I know my phone is ringing . . . it's Hubby . . . he wants to know if I want a glass of wine when I come home . . . and if we just wanna stay in and watch a movie tonight . . . oh I love him so very much!

I am thankful for living a life where everything happens for a reason . . . and I am so very thankful for my Hubby . . .

1 comment:

  1. Made me think of Garth Brook's song "Unanswered Prayers"!!!
