Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just put one foot in front of the other . . .

Apparently I love walking . . . who knew?

I was surprised to find this out about myself.

I don't like to "work out" . . . . or "exercise" . . .

I've joined a few gyms with good intentions, only to cancel them a few months later . . .

But I have just recently found that I don't mind walking so much!

Tuesday morning I went for a walk with a friend and our babies in strollers and . . . I enjoyed it . . .

So today, I got up . . . strapped JT into the stroller and off we went . . .

We talked (well, I did most of the talking) and we walked . . . for about 45 minutes . . . and I'm looking forward to doing it again!

And it was a great way to start the day! I'm feeling charged up and ready to go!

Let's just forget that I had a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast . . . I mean after walking for 45 minutes . . . I was allowed a reward, right?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

His eyes

Last night I was holding my baby . . . my sweet, sweet baby

He didn't want to fall asleep . . . too much going on with Daddy and Mommy talking

I just rocked him back and forth and patted him on the back until he calmed down . . . and I was amazed that all he wanted was his Mama's attention all to himself

Then we layed down, me on my back and my son on my chest (on his tummy) . . . so snuggly and happy . . .

I looked down at him and he stared at me . . . with these "grown-up" eyes . . . he aged years in a second and I felt like I was looking into the eyes of a toddler . . .

His eyes shifted up, down, left, right . . . all over . . . as if he was studying my face . . . and I just soaked in the warmth of his look . . . he has already mastered the "melt your heart with one look" look . . . at only a few months old . . . he's gonna be trouble I can tell already . . . .

We were both locked into this embrace and looking at each other . . time stood still . . all was quiet . . . it was only me and him in the universe . . .

He looked so wise, so knowing, so happy . . . I half expected him to say "I love you Mama" . . . instead I got a baby babble of coos . . . music to my ears . . .

I knew right then, right there . . . he loves me and I love him . . . I've known that for a while, but there was something magic about this look about this moment in time . . . someone sewed our hearts together and we both just felt it at the same time . . . .

I love you baby . . . forever and ever . . . . no matter what . . . I will love you through the good, the bad, the hard, the sad, all of it . . .

And you will always know that you are loved by me . . . . your Mommy . . .

Monday, October 27, 2008

"You Don't Know Jaques"

I love this new OPI nail polish.

Yesterday I went to get a pedicure and a manicure . . . it was the first time in a long time. I usually get clear nail polish, you know, very practical. But not this time! I decided to go a little crazy and get this pretty brown polish . . . I had seen it on "Mindless Junque" here . . . and I thought "why not?"

Also, OPI is tre cool, who thinks of these names?! "I'm India Mood for Love" or "Yoga-ta Get This Blue" or "Churry Up Don't Be Late". How fabulous is that?!?! So I guess I have to add to my "dream jobs" list . . . #1 is Ben & Jerry's ice cream taster (for obvious reasons), #2 Secret Shopper (get paid to shop!?!) . . . . #17 OPI nail polish namer . . now to get my resume together, hmmm . . .

As she was painting my nails, I could see I made the right decision . . .

While writing something down for work (yuck) I found myself staring at this beautiful (and quite tan I might add) hand with beautifully manicured and pretty painted nails . . . and it was my hand, my nails! This is huge! I'll admit, I'm a recovering nail biter . . . I've been one year "non-biting", thank you very much!

I feel like I've taken a step into fashion and I like it *gasp* . . . . a lot *double gasp*! Next thing you know I'm be wearing Manola Blahnik's . . . . or maybe not, high heels really do a number on my back . . . but you know what I mean!!!

It's amazing what a little change can do for you (or me!)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

100 things I love

I love . . . (and not necessarily in this order)

1. my husband

2. my son

3. my family

4. my best friend KH

5. my dog

6. new clothes

7. a great haircut

8. a warm and comfy bed

9. the nick-names my HB has for me

10. chocolate

11. getting a pedicure

12. getting a manicure

13. getting a massage . . . oh do I need one of those!

14. shopping

15. eating really great food

16. my mother-in-law

17. a hot shower

18. being a mommy

19. my friends

20. sunsets

21. ice cream

22. McDonald's fries

23. swimming

24. the beach

25. an ice cold beer

26. a nice glass of wine

27. caffeine free diet coke

28. the number 28 . . . it's my lucky number

29. the way my son smells

30. the way chocolate chip cookies smell as they cook

31. the excitement of Christmas morning

32. the look of happiness on someones face

33. the way the keyboard sounds when you type on it

34. the color blue (any shade)

35. my gap blue jeans and the way they make me look

36. reading a good book

37. non-fiction (the truth is usually stranger than fiction)

38. reading blogs and my bloggie friends

39. being a blog lurker . . . I'm coming out though

40. the show Jon & Kate plus 8 . . .

41. . . . and all the controversy there is with that show

42. when i look pulled together

43. when someone asks for my id when purchasing liquor/beer

44. being in control

45. having things go my way

46. when people come to me for advice

47. when i have to ask for advice myself

48. the word proud, especially if it's used towards me

49. puppies and kittens

50. that I'm half way done with this, it's harder than you think, try it for yourself

51. rainbow flip flops

52. MAC make-up

53. feeling warm sand in between my toes

54. the sound of a can of coke being opened

55. a good joke

56. laughing

57. an inside joke

58. the sound of my son's giggles

59. the Beatles and 99% of their songs

60. the song "clocks" by Cold Play

61. Pandora radio (it's free!)

62. Dave Mathews Band

63. my list so far, I rock!

64. gossip

65. getting real mail

66. reading emails

67. memories

68. photos

69. my camera

70. taking photos

71. Photoshop, to make my photos look cool

72. black and white photos

73. meeting new and cool people

74. being inspired

75. being happy

76. fresh baked chocolate chip cookies . . oh the goowey-ness, yum!

77. they way my husband kisses me and still takes my breath away

78. winning something

79. going on roller coasters

80. feeling loved

81. a secret . . .

82. . . . and being able to keep it no matter what

83. fresh squeezed orange juice

84. pancakes and bacon for breakfast

85. learning something new

86. the way a hug feels

87. getting a new pad of paper . . . the possibilities are endless

88. multi-colored pens instead of boring black and blue

89. knowing that I'm going to have more kids

90. my ability to make people laugh

91. snuggling with my HB

92. the game Scrabble

93. making up nonsense words

94. the hand-jive (from Grease)

95. singing really loud in my car when I'm all alone

96. sarcasm

97. being adventurous

98. spontaneity

99. life

100. me (yes, I think it's a good thing to love yourself!)

Phhfew . . . that took a lot of thinking . . . but I'm glad I did it.

I hope to be back tomorrow to write more about what I love.

Why Toots In Love

I tend to be a negative person. So this blog will be dedicated to being positive and seeing the good in things. I will attempt to see the "love" in everything, every day.

My name is Toots, it's my husband's nick-name for me. His name is Hun Bun (HB) and we have a little boy "JT".

We live in Florida and love it.