Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just do it

I challenge you . . . I double dog dare you . . .

What I want you to do is think of your most favorite Christmas memory . . . . hold it right there in your mind . . . .

Then I want you to hit play on this song . . . and close your eyes . . .

Just try not to get goosebumps . . .

I needed a tissue . . .

Hope this helps you find that Holiday spirit . . .

*UPDATE* - hit "pop out player" if the player never opens . . .

Monday, December 1, 2008

A what in a what . . . .

So I went shopping at the Mall on Saturday with my 17 year old cousin, my sister and my son . . .

It wasn't that hectic, thankfully . . .

But I got a rude awakening!!!

What has happened to fashion lately . . . . seriously . . .

Since when did "GAP" mean "OLD"?????

Since when did 17 year olds have to look like hookers . . . . cheap hookers at that???

Case in point . . . we went to a new store in our Mall . . . "G" by Guess . . . . I remember the Guess jeans from my youth (which I guess is a lot farther back then I would have hoped) . . .

I could NOT believe what was in the store . . . .

wait for it . . .

a DJ . . . .

there was a DJ in a store

there was a DJ in a store inside the Mall . . . .

there was a DJ in a store inside the Mall of a pretty conservative city in Retirementville, FL . . .

no, seriously . . . . I'm not joking

is a DJ necessary? really?

Oh and he was "spinnin" some "cool tracks" . . . . while we shopped in Hookers R Us . . . or "G" by Guess . . . whatever . . .

I was only oh so happy that my cousin agreed that none of the clothes were her "thing" or "style" . . . because all I could imagine was my Aunt giving me a really hard time for bringing home some of these "clothing" items . . . (even though this is the same Aunt who once gave me a vibrator for christmas, again no joke, I still don't think she would appreciate a backwards "Pretty Woman" shopping spree . . . from innocent to Hooker in 60 seconds flat)

We all got a good chuckle out of the DJ . . . oh and did you know the new word "Jorts" . . . that's short for Jean shORTS people . . . I couldn't make this up if I tried . . . that's what the DJ was wearing . . . Jorts . . . ha!

Then while perusing racks at another store . . . I got a look at what some girls wear out of the house . . . all I will say is this . . . I neither had the body nor the courage to wear those clothes . . . . ever . . . in my life . . .

oh I feel old . . . really really old . . .

Friday, November 28, 2008


Earlier today while shopping . . . there was a situation that helped me confirm that I made the right choice in marrying my husband and that I am so thankful for him . . . while shopping I ran into a guy I had a crush on in high school . . . a heart thumbing, can't breathe around him, blush when he looked my direction crush . . . . a say his name and my hearts a flutter crush . . . and to make it worse we were friends . . . so we hung out all the time . . . and he had no clue how I felt . . . so I saw today him from a distance . . . and it was funny . . . I didn't feel a thing . . . not a blush . . . not a heart flutter . . . not a "oh great, what do I say" . . . nope, nothing, nada, zilch . . .

T-crush: "Toots, hey, my God, it's been forever how are you?"
me: "Oh my goodness, T-crush, wow! Oh I'm great, how are you?
T-crush: "Same old, same old, so umm, what's new?
me (great, now what do I say I haven't seen him in 8 years, a whole hell of a lot is new): "Well, a alot actually, I married that guy we both went to high school with that you would never guess in a millions years I would marry (I'll have to post that story at a later time) . . . and we have a five month old, they are both at home . . . "
T-crush: "Oh, wow, ummm . . . wow, that's great . . . "
me: "soooo, what have you been up to?"
T-crush; "um, nothing really . . . "

Isn't that the worse . . . I had very little to say to him . . . I quickly found out he hadn't done much since high school except gain weight and move out of his mother's house, real cool guy, real cool . . . . so we awkwardly finished our small talk conversation and went our way . . . around a very small store . . . bumping into each other every few minutes "oh, hey, are you still here *nervous laughter*" . . . "ha ha are you following me *nervous laughter*" . . . and so on . . .

As I got into my car I realized . . . there is a plan in life . . . I so wanted that guy to ask me out on a date in high school . . . and now . . . . I am SO GLAD he did not . . . not that he isn't a nice guy or anything . . . but he definitely not my husband . . .

Next thing I know my phone is ringing . . . it's Hubby . . . he wants to know if I want a glass of wine when I come home . . . and if we just wanna stay in and watch a movie tonight . . . oh I love him so very much!

I am thankful for living a life where everything happens for a reason . . . and I am so very thankful for my Hubby . . .

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm sorry

Dear Twilight Movie,

I just wanna say I'm sorry for freaking out on you like I did here . . .

It's just that I was really excited to see my version of the movie . . . you know the version that I had in my head with my imagination . . . and well I guess I was upset that no one took the time to read my mind or ask for my opinion . . .

I know that there are lots and lots and lots of people who love you . . .

And even though I kinda ripped you . . . I'm gonna go back and probably watch you a few hundred times again . . .

So, I'm sorry . . . can we be friends? Maybe if you are feeling up to it you can introduce me to a few cast members?

Tooties :-)


Okay, so I watched J&K+8 last night . . . ho hum . . . it wasn't that great . . . the people over at GWOP (that's Gosselins With Out Pity people) are having a field day about how many times Kate said "I'm irritated" . . . and it was a bit over the top . . . she hardly does anything it seems except get irritated or annoyed . . .

Anywho . . . I was staying up late to finish a few projects I'm working on . . .

What came on TLC next was "The Duggar" family . . . this is the family with 17 kids and one on the way . . . they have very conservative values, watch very little TV, restrict their internet use to nearly nothing, home-school their kids and continue to have as many kids as God blesses them with . . .

Okay, I can go with most of that . . . I respectfully disagree with some of their opinions, but hey that's what makes the world go round . . .

Then I saw a little snippet on the side of how they view dating . . . this family does not believe in dating . . . they believe that God will lead them to their life-long mate . . . okay I'm not sure about all that . . . but then there was this . . .

They do NOT believe in pre-marital kissing or pre-marital alone time . . . !!! . . . . really, you gotta be kidding me? right?

I mean I will not open the can of worms of pre-marital sex, believe what you want . . .

But pre-marital kissing . . . it's just a kiss and who knows maybe you've just agreed to marry one of the frogs you're SUPPOSE to kiss before your Prince Charming . . . . and zero alone time . . . this is something I'm very much against . . . I know for sure that I'm way different around my family than I am when Hubby and I are alone and he is the different as well . . . I just don't think it's a good idea to have two people committ to life-long marriage . . . . "until death do we part" to someone they have never kissed or spent any alone time with . . . .

My Hubby and I both dated different people before getting together . . . but I think that's the way it was suppose to happen . . . I needed to go through a few frogs to realize what a great guy Hubby is . . . and I'm thinking it was the same for him . . . and I still remember our first kiss and how electric it was and how it made me realize that I was falling for him . . . And the alone time . . . the snuggling and laughing and mushy things we said . . . I can't imagine having to wait for all of that . . . and what if you didn't choose the right person . . .

oh . . . they would so dissaprove of my history . . . and my internet usage . . . oh well . . .

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jon and Kate plus 8

Okay, here's the reason why I love this show . . . there is so much controversy!

There are these sites, this one (the best and host of the most haters), this one, and this one . . . . and they HATE Jon and Kate . . . they love the plus 8, oh but the things they have to say about "KON", oooohhhh, so juicy, so hateful, so gossipy, so makes me wanna watch more, which they would hate because their all about getting the show off air, but all I wanna do after reading one of their posts is watch the show more . . .

Then there are these sites that LOVE them, like this one . . . they LOVE Jon and Kate and adore the plus 8 . . . they are ooyie gooey about all of them . . . and it's nice and all, but the gossip is better and funnier to read . . .

Then there's the "official site" . . . one thing I find particularly funny about the official site is that the "laughter" page is "under construction" and has been for a while . . . anyone see the irony?

So I watch Jon and Kate plus 8 every week . . . some times I'm a cheerleader, some times I'm like "oh no she diin't" . . . and other times I just pity them . . . or envy them . . . two week fully paid vaca in Hawaii . . . um Hun, we need to get to the fertility treatment place, STAT!

It's on tonight . . . and I'm really looking forward to it . . . and even more so looking forward to what all the blogs will say about it . . .

I saw it . . .

and I'm not happy about it at all . . . and I'm filling this post with spoiler's . . . sorry . . .

I say the movie Twilight . . .

and I'm so disappointed . . .

Where's the love people . . . where's that feeling of "I can't live without you!"

What happened to the book? Did the actors/producers/directors/whatever read it . . . did they love the book? Did they reread it a few times and really examine each word our dear Stephenie Meyer chose . . . did they?!?!

Oh, I do want to say the sound was GREAT so, Marshall, did a great job . . . promise . . . I stayed until we saw his name and did a little "woohoo" for him . . . . (Julie's husband Marshall is a re-recording mixer, so he put all the sound effects in the movie)

What disappointed me was . . . that . . . . the movie wasn't the book . . . and I know that my imagination and my imagery might be different than yours, but come on . . . .

Bella has a cell phone? What!?

She "Googled" things . . . can you say corporate sponsor . . .

She's not half as clumsy as we want her to be . . .

And I really thought we were going to have more of her narrating throughout the movie . . . . arghh!

And Edward . . . I want to love you, man, I really do . . . but what's with the make-up? I mean eye make-up, not the "make your skin look white" make-up (I get that), but lipstick, really?

Rosalie, Emmette, Alice, Esme . . . you are all great . . . I think you captured the character . . . Alice needs a slightly lighter voice and she needs to dance more . . . but you guys are in the clear . . .

Jasper . . . what's with the hair . . . really . . . brush it, with a comb . . . you are supposed to be one of the beautiful people and I could think was wash your hair (with conditioner maybe) and give it a good comb . . .

Dr. Carlisle . . . oh I had high hopes for you too . . . and not-so-much in reality . . . your face was too structured, I needed a friendlier face . . .

Okay Charlie, the dad, is great . . . I think he was shown properly and did a good job of keeping true to the movie

Renee . . . whatever . . .

The thing was, the movie was dark to me . . . has anyone seen the move "Thirteen" . . . I was reminded of the jumpy, not steady filming while watching this movie . . . (okay, while finding the link for the movie "Thirteen" I realized they were both directed by the same woman Catherine Hardwicke . . . I don't think I like you Catherine Hardwicke . . . no not at all)

Also, what's the deal with adding/subtracting scenes . . . . oh I really want to remake this movie, who's with me?!

I want the meadow to be an actual meadow . . . . I want to see more of Edward and Bella falling in love . . . I want to see the dinner scene in Port Angeles followed word by word to the tee . . . I want Bella to drink two cokes . . .

I just want the movie to follow the book . . . is that too much to ask for?

Oh and Tiffany mentioned this, but I totally agree . . . what's with his skin in the sunlight . . . totally not what I thought it would be . . . I want amazing and what I got was totally not amazing, it was blah . . .

Is Edward blah? No I don't think so . . .

Okay, I really could go on and on . . . but just know . . . if you are expecting a movie that is the book . . . prepare yourself to be disappointed . . . if you are expecting a movie with references from the book, you'll love it . . .

Don't worry Bella and Edward . . . I still love you two! :-)